Car of the Day #23

1933 MG K3 Magnette
The tiny, supercharged 1100cc six-cylinder K3 Magnette remains one of the most remarkable of all MGs. Launched in 1933, the K3 notched up a succession of significant motor racing victories throughout the 1930s, both in the UK and overseas.
In its first year of production along, for example, the K3 took first and second places in the 1100cc class in the Mille Miglia, resulting in MG being awarded the team prize, and breaking all class records to boot!
MG offered the K3 in various stages of tune, giving power outputs ranging from 105 to 125 bhp; impressive today for a 1.1-litre car, but truly remarkable in the 1930s.
This exquisite little MG is set to be dwarfed by some considerably larger cars at Hampton Court Palace for the 2014 Concours of Elegance (5-7 September).